Here's my other workbox:

This one started as an overflow, but as there are now just so many types of thread in my stash and so many skeins/balls of each, I decided to have this one as a secondary workbox instead! It's one of those Art-Bin craft cases where you get a series of tray-like boxes with lids and a bag with lots of pockets to put them in. Very handy indeed and lots of storage space. Hope I don't need to invest in too many more of them before much longer though. I have a craving for £50 of Piper's silks. Still, I also have £45 credit with Helen M Stevens, so maybe I should spend it on one of her (over-priced) thread packs?? Depends on how bad the cravings get!!

New cushion picture sometime tomorrow, all being well. It's coming along well and it is so nice to stitch something for pleasure again. The dog was just plain work and hard work at that. So, I need to work on other stuff too, or I'll go off stitching and, with all this stash, that would not be good!!

Thanks again for the DSL gift voucher, Petra! You can see some of my purchases in this picture as I got quite a lot of beads with it.=) Glad you liked the cushion colours. More tomorrow.

Wanna see my workboxes??

Here's a photo of one of my workboxes. I'll post the other one another day. When I'm feeling low, I just look through all the lovely threads.....=)

The hardanger cushion is coming on beautifully! I've got quite a lot of the surface work done and plan on posting a new photo tomorrow or Saturday. Depends on when I can get near the PC.....
Started something new......

OK, I know I said I wouldn't until I'd finished the dog, but I needed something to stitch for the times when I don't want to think so hard about what I'm doing, for when there isn't enough light for the complex work needed for the silk shading and when I just need to relax. So, the next item on my list of stuff to stitch, a hardanger cushion with some satin stitch/back stitch floral work, has been started. I've already done all the surface work on the central flower and what will be the central cutwork area, but here's a picture just of the materials. It was just SO nice to sit and do a bit on this when I got in from work today, before making dinner.

I think it's going to be a longer time than I'd planned before that dreaded dog is finished. Basically, because I'd said I wouldn't start anything else until it was done, I was doing no stitching at all! Given that I have a lot of projects I want to do and the fact that my stash is worth well over £1000, (so, about US$2000 at UK prices), it's just wasted sitting there whilst I continue to put off and put off the piece I'm finding it next to impossible to motivate myself to do. I'm NOT going to dismiss it as a UFO though, (no non-stitching readers, that's not an 'un-identified flying object', but our acronym for 'un-finished object'!!!), and I will try to assign specific times to work it. When I'm at my mum's on Monday afternoons is a good time and maybe I can fit in an hour or so for it on Thursdays. So, that'll be 2-4 hours per week. It'll take ages still, but it'll happen - as long as those sessions happen. Well, that remains to be seen....

Will post more often from now onwards as I'll have more photos to share!
The dog is back in commission.....

Here's the photo as it stood when I took it up on Monday afternoon. I haven't done much more since, just a bit further down on the forehead, so there's no real point in taking another picture as yet. Hope to get some more done over the weekend, but I confess that the only pleasure in doing this one now is just the knowledge that the end is getting closer. Never again!

I got Martin's other job finished earlier this week too and also got a whole translation done. Plenty more put on the pile since then though!!!! In fact, I'm just waiting for some notes to come through for interpreting a 45 min talk next Sunday as I type..........

Yeah! The Chinese Junk is finally done and, just to prove it, here's a photo, look:

What a relief to have that one done. It's been in progress since 2 April 2003, so 2 years, 5 months and one day! OK, so I did a few dozen other things during that that period too, but I hope to never have one piece on the go for that long again!

I plan to get re-started on the dog portrait this afternoon whilst at my mum's place, but before that, let's get Martin's other job done......