An Ickle Bit More....

....on the 'Welcome' sign. Not too much more to do now. Just the basket of strawberries, a few other bits to fill in and the lettering. I've decided to change the colour of the strawbs, 'cos L*K has specified WDW's 'Romance', but that's way too pink for strawbs, so I'm gonna use Kate's Kloths 'Strawberry Dream' instead! Apt name, huh?

Anyway, now that I've got my book-keeping job out of the way for this session, I can stitch with a clear conscience!!!

Latest on the Lizzie*Kate

Haven't done much stitching this week what with one disaster or another, but here's the current status on 'Welcome All Seasons'. More soon, I hope!
Cushion is done and 'Welcome all seasons' is started.

So, the embroidery on the cushion or pillow cover (depending on which side of the Atlantic you speak!!!!!!) is done and it's just waiting now to be made up into a cushion proper. Might buy the fabric today, but I'm not sure that Saturday afternoon is the best time for it!!!! Perhaps next week sometime will do just as well.

I've already sorted out the next 5 projects, (yes - FIVE), got them 'kitted up', fabric pressed etc. Two are already in the working frames, but only one started. Here it is, Lizzie*Kate's 'Welcome all seasons'. I've been meaning to stitch this up as a little 'welcome' sign for outside our home for ages, so I've now started it! I'm going to insert 'in' in the wording so it makes more sense and I want a bright yellow flower on it too!!

The other things are another hardanger cushion cover which will be my kid bro's wedding pressie, (not until April, but may as well get on with it now anyway), a small ribbon embroidery kit which I'll make into a card for my mum, (that's the other one in a hoop so far), a Helen M Stevens' floral 'poppies and mallow' piece from her 'Embroidered Flowers' book and a something something for Sir, whose not to know what it is until he gets it complete, so there'll be no WIP photos there! It's tiny anyway, so wouldn't be worth it!!!! Curious? Well, you'll have to wait and see......
Cushion Up-date

Here's the current status on the cushion/pillow cover work:

One more of the rectangular cutwork areas to wrap, then the other 4 diamonds to cut and wrap and the whole lot of cut areas to spruce up a bit with a simple filling stitch. Should be done this week, then it's on to a Helen M Stevens' piece I promised to someone I've never met yet!!!!
Great afternoon at the craft shows!

Didn't spend too much, I'm amazed and relieved to say! I got 5 of those new DMC Light Effects threads, 2 Anchor pearl #5's and 1 pearl #8 that I wanted for projects I'll be doing within the next few weeks, (all being well!!!!!!!!) I also got 4 small pieces of speciality fabric, (2 pieces of silk dupion - copper and bronze, 1 bit of white organza and a larger piece of fine white muslin), 6 small bags of mixed sheer ribbon, a ribbon embroidery bookmark kit for my lil' sister and some special stickers and 'sheets' (they could hardly be called paper...) for special cards.

The hardanger cushion cover surface work is now totally complete, and I've done the cutwork and wrapped bars in the central area. Will do a bit more tomorrow and try for an update pic on Monday. Not doing any stitching tonight as I'm just plain jiggered! I have walked MILES today and am now off to bed!
Satin Stitching Complete!

....and the back stitch is started too. I've done 6 of the 16 sets of it so far. Not very exciting, but then it's repetitive work, which is never the thrill of the day!!

Going to the Fashion and Embroidery Show tomorrow. That should be fun and a danger to the bank balance!!! Hope they have some good fabrics, but not TOO many............

Introducing Ellie!

This is my young chum Ellie (with my toy sheep, Flossy) who wanted to be on my Blog and would like the world to know that she's a monkey!

See? I did put you on-line after all, Ellie! Now, how do you like being world famous??=)
Sunday Morning Up-date

Good morning!

Here's the cushion cover work as described in last night's posting. Just thought I'd share it anyway.=)

Happy Sunday!
Cushion's coming on really well!

Here's the cushion as it stood this lunchtime, (so about 8 hours ago):

There's already quite a bit more surface work on it. The flowers have been put into the corner squares and the line of flowers and leaves is done along the bottom and one of the flowers at the side. Should have all the surface work done in the next couple of days.=) I've decided not to do the outer border of cutwork as per the pattern 'cos it'll end up being too big and also my frame is a bit smaller than the design, so it'll be less fuss. Will be finished sooner too and, while I'm not exactly the 'if it's not done in half and hour, I'm not interested' type, I don't like things to go on t-o-o-o-o long. I have a few more things to do as well with two wedding coming up in the spring and so forth.

New update on Monday.