Over the past couple of weeks, I've been doing a lot of on-line research into formal embroidery studies, mostly with City & Guilds, but also with the RSN and even higher education level things. It seems that there are ample opportunities for City & Guilds study with plenty of in person classes running all over the UK and also a few decent distance learning opportunities. Sadly, WS-Touchbase is finishing City & Guilds at the end of this year and there are fears that that would see the end of the stumpwork programmes.=( However, as DH is wanting to move somewhere where I've found a recently opened studio offering Levels 2 and 3 Embroidery Certificates and also the Level 3 Diploma, I could also go to classes later on as well - when we get back home.
I was disappointed to find out just how much the RSN's courses were though. I knew they were expensive, but found out that they were 2 or 3 times as much as I'd thought! Each technique is £960, with 4 needed for the Certificate alone! On the good side, they don't charge more for paying in instalments and you can pay for one technique at a time without ending up, as with some on-line schools, paying almost twice as much as someone who can pay the full figure up front. I was rather shocked at how much the School of Stitched Textiles wanted for buying one module at a time for their Level 3 C&Gs. It was something over 210% of the up-front price! Anyway, maybe I can do the RSN Cert later on, fairly slowly, but I daresay the Diploma at nearly £8000 is going to be beyond me. We'll see.
Now I know what to expect of a C&G course, I feel in a better position to plan and prepare for taking one - hopefully more than one. I also know what sort of workload and time frame is expected and have a much clearer idea of where I fit into that pattern. A very important aspect I've got from it is that Level 3 courses, despite claims to the contrary by several course providers, are NOT suitable for beginners in embroidery, (unless one is very experienced in art/design and sewing). I wasn't a beginner when I started, but I would have been paralysed by the level of work expected if I had been. Basically, C&G, esp Level 3 C&G, will not really teach one embroidery as a skill. Ideally, it teaches someone who already has a decent grounding in embroidery, design skills and practice, along with introducing some of the more contemporary textile techniques. In order to succeed without a large amount of stress, I wouldn't recommend anyone, other than someone of extraordinary confidence and huge amounts of time, to start that level of course without having a good bit of experience of working others' designs and also of a bit of basic sewing and machine usage. Working the assessment pieces requires that you have to make those embroidered pieces up into things like bags, hangings and so on which you're to have designed and prototyped yourself, and, if you've next to no experience of construction techniques, then this part is only going to add to the stress.
So, my plan is to consolidate my own stitching skills by working as many of the kits and designs that I've brought with me as I can, to have a go at making up some little bags etc (I've brought a book with me and the stuff needed for my camera case), and to work on my drawing and painting skills as well as collecting plenty of design source photos etc. In addition, were I to do the Level 3 Diploma, there's a lot of more academic work to be done in creating the History of English Embroidery project as well as the embroidery traditions of 3 countries, so I can also make a start on collecting info etc for that. There's a fair amount of 'folder work' to do in terms of design, ie colour theory stuff, line and mark making and all manner of things too that I can begin to get done working from the syllabuses. Having said that, I plan to start with a Level 1 or, max, Level 2 anyway!
Higher education level courses, by and large, don't really appeal to me as they're very much contemporary styling and there's only the RSN's FDA (foundation degree) in Hand Embroidery that looks up my street. The location is in London at Hampton Court Palace, it would be horribly pricey and I'll have to shelve that sort of idea until they've got the course well established (it started new this year) and offer it in more formats and locations. Again, we'll see, but no holding breath on this one, which is a real shame as they specialise in what I like best! I did read Tanja Berlin's account of her time at the RSN on their former apprentice programme and it was fearfully intense, so that's another downside. 9-5 daily with up to 5 hours expected per evening. Basically, you'd sleep and stitch. No time for anything else! Still, there are plenty of good books around, even though I was only able to bring what you can see above with me. Oh, how I miss my books and the rest of my stash! Sigh! Still, looks like we may well be home by the end of this year, so I reckon I can make do until then and I can get 'Inspirations', 'Classic Stitches', 'Stitch with the Embroiderer's Guild', the Italian mag 'Rakam' and several cross stitch mags out here, so that's a big comfort.
The photo at the top of this post is the back of the needlecase, which I got completed yesterday. I hope to have the full thing stitched before the end of the month and then hope I brought the doctor's flannel needed to put the 'pages' in. Last night I also added in a side bar feature of my 2008 stitched pieces, so more eye candy on permanent display, but you need to visit the blog 'for real' to see them as, of course, reader software won't show them up, even Bloglines. Does anyone know why Bloglines displays your header photos in reverse order??
WIPs: Current status
Nothing much to report WIP wise. I've done all the cutting and removing of threads on the hardanger needlecase, so that's now ready for the weekend and I should get that finished on the long-distance bus rides!! I hate the weaving bits, so doing those during 'trapped time' will both get them done and pass the time much more quickly.
The cross stitch is still progressing slowly. Is it just me, or do others find that greenery seems to work up far slower than other parts? Green is known to be an actively relaxing colour, so I was wondering if that slowed down stitching in some way. DH said, 'There's a PhD in that!', so if anyone fancies doing some stitching related research and calling themselves 'Doctor' ever afterwards, there's an idea for you!!!
I've sent, via e-mail, to a couple of schools re embroidery courses, such as the new City & Guilds programmes being run at Space2Create and the Certificate and Diploma courses run by the Royal School of Needlework. Just waiting for responses now, but I fear the latter programmes will be prohibitively expensive. Shame, as the courses they offer are most in my line, but who knows what may be possible at some point?=)
I finally finished 'Sylvia's Lovers' by Gaskell recently and made a good start on Frances Burney's 'The Wanderer', which unlike the former, had me gripped from chapter one! It's much easier to persuade myself to get to bed very early if there's a good novel on the go!! I think the Gaskell was really written by a Chinese author and then Yorkshire-y-fied by Gaskell as, in true Chinese literary fashion, everyone dies in the end!!!
Sheila, I've been thinking about your comment about 'typical Brit, unable to learn a language'. Oh so many Brits think that about a number of things too! So many of us are totally convinced we'd never be able to do any number of perfectly achievable things - often before even trying it ourselves! Sometimes, at craft/stitching shows, I get talking to some of the other ladies looking at the goodies on the stands and there's usually a seasoned cross stitcher looking doubtfully at a freestyle kit she wants to try, but lacks confindence. 'But do you really think I could do this?' she asks, 'I've only ever done cross stitch before.' I normally encourage her that, yes, of course she could do it, but if she lacks confidence she might want to try a small piece/a doodle pad first and so on. Many cross stitchers fear they wouldn't be able to do surface work, but think about it - the techniques are very similar to counted thread ones, and they already have almost all of the necessary equipment and skills, so why fear to move onto pastures new?
It's much the same with language. We've all already got almost all the equipment, skills and experience we need to learn another language as we'd be using the same mouth, vocal chords, brain, concepts as we already do with the very complex language we already learned in childhood! And think about how many versions of English there are: UK, US, Canada, Aus, NZ, South Africa, India, Singapore and a whole host of official language speaker variations on top of those and we can understand them all! Next to no-one can't learn a second language!
A lot of folk then point to their shaky experience with French in school and say, 'I was no good then, so why would I be now?' Basically because teaching methods and materials have improved enormously over the last 30 years and, frankly, did you do French in school because you wanted to or because you hadn't any choice?? Motivation makes all the difference!=) Try it and see...
The cross stitch is still progressing slowly. Is it just me, or do others find that greenery seems to work up far slower than other parts? Green is known to be an actively relaxing colour, so I was wondering if that slowed down stitching in some way. DH said, 'There's a PhD in that!', so if anyone fancies doing some stitching related research and calling themselves 'Doctor' ever afterwards, there's an idea for you!!!
I've sent, via e-mail, to a couple of schools re embroidery courses, such as the new City & Guilds programmes being run at Space2Create and the Certificate and Diploma courses run by the Royal School of Needlework. Just waiting for responses now, but I fear the latter programmes will be prohibitively expensive. Shame, as the courses they offer are most in my line, but who knows what may be possible at some point?=)
I finally finished 'Sylvia's Lovers' by Gaskell recently and made a good start on Frances Burney's 'The Wanderer', which unlike the former, had me gripped from chapter one! It's much easier to persuade myself to get to bed very early if there's a good novel on the go!! I think the Gaskell was really written by a Chinese author and then Yorkshire-y-fied by Gaskell as, in true Chinese literary fashion, everyone dies in the end!!!
Sheila, I've been thinking about your comment about 'typical Brit, unable to learn a language'. Oh so many Brits think that about a number of things too! So many of us are totally convinced we'd never be able to do any number of perfectly achievable things - often before even trying it ourselves! Sometimes, at craft/stitching shows, I get talking to some of the other ladies looking at the goodies on the stands and there's usually a seasoned cross stitcher looking doubtfully at a freestyle kit she wants to try, but lacks confindence. 'But do you really think I could do this?' she asks, 'I've only ever done cross stitch before.' I normally encourage her that, yes, of course she could do it, but if she lacks confidence she might want to try a small piece/a doodle pad first and so on. Many cross stitchers fear they wouldn't be able to do surface work, but think about it - the techniques are very similar to counted thread ones, and they already have almost all of the necessary equipment and skills, so why fear to move onto pastures new?
It's much the same with language. We've all already got almost all the equipment, skills and experience we need to learn another language as we'd be using the same mouth, vocal chords, brain, concepts as we already do with the very complex language we already learned in childhood! And think about how many versions of English there are: UK, US, Canada, Aus, NZ, South Africa, India, Singapore and a whole host of official language speaker variations on top of those and we can understand them all! Next to no-one can't learn a second language!
A lot of folk then point to their shaky experience with French in school and say, 'I was no good then, so why would I be now?' Basically because teaching methods and materials have improved enormously over the last 30 years and, frankly, did you do French in school because you wanted to or because you hadn't any choice?? Motivation makes all the difference!=) Try it and see...
Hardanger Progress
Here's what the hardanger needlecase looks like at the moment. I decided to work on it as a 'Sunday project', but won't this coming week, I shouldn't think - unless I think of something else to do on the 9 or so hour bus ride to and from Kaohsiung the weekend after, that is! Needs to be counted thread and preferably not too big or too complex. Hardanger is perfect really. I'll do all the cutting out before we go as I certainly wouldn't risk that en route!
Haven't really had time or umph for any more stitching since this work on Sunday, I've been trying to get up to date with housework, laundry and preparing for a test tomorrow, (which I feel anything but prepared for, if I'm honest), but I hope to get back to more creative stuff just as soon as I can. I have a lot of catching up to do school-wise after being off with a cold and so on.
Still reading 'Sylvia's Lovers', but have really got going on it now - when I have chance to just sit and read for pleasure, that is. Not through with the Chinese version of 'Anne of Green Gables' yet either. I don't understand every word of it by a long shot, but I can make out about 2/3 I think and, as I know it well, it's no real strain. Next up will be 'The Secret Garden', which I haven't read for decades, (although I've seen the film of within the last few years a couple of times), so that will be a bit harder. Make language learning fun - read kids' books!!
We had friends 'round for dinner last night and I showed them the bee. I was right in thinking that the Taiwanese would be blown away by stumpwork. He asked me if I hadn't bought something and stuck it on and she said I ought to put it in the museum!!!! I could sell stumpwork pieces here, I think!!!
Not as much progress as I'd hoped
Well, to be honest, I rarely get as much stitching done as I'd hoped. The trouble is I think I still judge the length of time needed by how much I could get done when I was home with CFS/ME and could, basically, stitch most of the day, every day. Completely different now, but I still underestimate time needed. Actually, I do that with a lot of things, don't you? Anyway, here's how far I've got and I can see pretty clearly that it won't be done in time for next Thursday evening, but there's always a postal service, or we can go and visit.=)
Nic asked which thread I was using for the hardanger piece I showed you last post (which I haven't done any more of yet), and it's Caron Watercolor and Wildflower thread in 'Blossom'. Bit pricey, but worth it for something you especially want to stitch.
The weather seems to be mad everywhere, if what I hear on the on-line news is true, so I hope all are coping well. I have a cold at the mo and am afraid I'm going to have a nasty cough for a while, but I can't get what I need to deal with it out here....=( I usually chase a cough away with home-made fruit juices, but I've no juicer here and the stuff you buy won't do. Besides, there are very few pure juices here. Oh, but there are some pure fruit smoothies to be had, so maybe those might help. I'm eating a bowl of fresh pineapple, papaya and grapes as I type.=)
Travel Stitching
I got a decent start made on my hardanger needlecase, but didn't get as much done as I'd hoped or planned. With about 5 hours of stitchable in-transit time, I'd hoped to get much of the outlining done, but thanks to the lack of light on board the coach at times, (the driver left the main cabin in darkness when it got dark and didn't even give us access to our own reading lights for a goodly while!) and the fact that I dropped off to sleep a bit on the way back, I just got this far. On the outward journey I did almost all the outer border, save 3 'boxes' and just completed that small bit and started the inner border on the way home once I realised that we could use the reading lights! Working with thick threads, tapestry needles and counted thread fabrics is quite possible in-transit, but I doubt I'd attempt much in the way of fine work with its sharp needles on the move!
Now it's back to the cross stitch as I only have less than 2 weeks to get that stitched and finished up. Hoping to find some sort of hanger on Friday afternoon when I plan to take a trip to the craft shop area. I hope the quilting section has something that will do. They do a lot of things like bag handles, so I'm hopeful....
Now it's back to the cross stitch as I only have less than 2 weeks to get that stitched and finished up. Hoping to find some sort of hanger on Friday afternoon when I plan to take a trip to the craft shop area. I hope the quilting section has something that will do. They do a lot of things like bag handles, so I'm hopeful....