Just a quick post to show you the current status on the sampler. I haven't got very much further with it, or put in so much as one stitch on any other projects, because I've been really ill (and still am, rather) with yet another nasty virus. I'm longing to get well enough to get on with things, esp. as I've a nice idea for a small piece with the recent TAST stitches, which I am, of course, 3 weeks behind with.
Anyway, here's how the sampler was at 8½ hours after finishing off the cross stitching (very bitty and slow) around the hardanger area and whilst watching Simon Reeve travel around the rim of the Indian Ocean and a team of enviably fit chaps row from the northernmost town in Canada to the 1996 magnetic north pole!
And this is half an hour's work later after having attached a number of beads. I thought a different angle shot would add some variety.=)
Other than that, I still haven't got the shelves up in my room, so I can't show all that yet, but Sir might be able to do them soon, so there exists a hope for my sanity!! I did, at least, manage to meet most of my April stitching goals, so that was something, but I haven't even been able to blog that until now, already the 12th of May! I'm not setting any for the remainder of this month.
Hopefully, I'll be able to show something more soon.....(the usual lame plea!)
Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2012