Photos - YEAH!

So, here's the latest. Not much up on last time, but......

The 'Lilac Time' needlecase:

The 'Orange Blossom' needlecase:

And the Helen M Stevens' design:

I will have to get my needles in gear though as I now have 3 things that are ready to be made up, plus a card and some gift bookmarks that must be done in the next 10 days.....
Latest WIP photos......

Here's the latest on the Lilac Time needlecase....

......All the stitching completed on the Orange Blossom bookmark.

And the Helen M Stevens piece with most of the shadow lining in so far.......

More when there's more to look at!
I haven't posted for ages.......

Well, here I am again, with nothing to show for my silence! The cushion is frogged to within an inch of it's life and all the stitching is finished on the bookmark. I've also started another cross stitch needlecase kit and have traced the pattern for the Helen M Stevens floral design. I'm not going to get the dog out just yet as I feel the need for something more pleasant, colourful and easy to stitch for the time being!! Here are pix of the current WIPS purloined from certain websites!! I'll post my own pics over the w/e.

I frog, you frog, she frogs, we frog, they frog.....

Or how about some compound tenses in the conjugation of the verb 'to frog'? I would have frogged, you will have frogged, she should have frogged, they had frogged.... Is the German imperfect tense ich frag?? Or ich frogte?? Ich habe gefrogt! J'ai frogé. Yo he frogado. Wo frog le. What's the tone on the Mandarin??
OK, getting a bit silly now.......

So, I realised that it was the fact that I'd put one of the white, kloster block diamonds in the wrong place that gaffed it. I moved one diamond one row over, then realised that I had moved the wrong one, that that one had been in the right place and that it was the other one that needed moving..... As the other motifs were lined up with that, they're needing to come out to. So, I frog, I have frogged and I will frog as I didn't finish ripping out all my lovely stitches before going to bed last night, but almost all of the work so far has to come out.=(
Current WIP Status:

Did quite a bit of stitching on Tuesday evening and this is how far I got with the 2 things I'm doing at the mo. Hope to get some more done over the w/e, at least to finish the satin stitching on the cushion cover. It's not as nice to work as the last one, but that might also have something to do with not particularly liking the person I'm stitching it for.....!!!!!!! Still, I know that there are regular readers out there who like to see the progress, so just for you: (Thanks for the cheer-leading, by the way!=)

Nothing else remotely interesting to report, unless you count that lots of people I know are feeling like they're getting or have already got colds and that that makes me feel better as I have a swollen throat and tongue, a headache and feel very sleepy and wooly headed. Believe me, when recovering from almost 4 years with CFS/ME, these things make you panic!! I feel better it they're poorly too!!!!!!!!
Regular Tuesday Update!!!

Or so it seems, anyway!!!!!

Here's the progress on the latest hardanger cushion, i.e. not much really. I'm finding this one hard to get into, but I've done the kloster blocks on the 4 big white areas and worked in some more floral bits. This one is not as nice to stitch as the first one was and just wait until I get to the beading! If I calculated correctly, there will be 880 beads on this baby! Yeech!

I started another Textile Heritage bookmark kit in the car on the way to Nottingham on Sunday. Not much worth looking at yet, but borders never are inspiring, are they? I'll put in more on this as and when I can't quite face the hardanger, which in turn is done when I can't face the dog portrait, (i.e. all day, every day!!!!!!!!)

Finally, I won 2 lovely stumpwork kits by Coleshill Collection on E-bay over the weekend. Here they are too. I dread to think when they'll get done, but I might just take one on holiday with me next month..... There are a lot of contenders for the 'holiday stitching' spot. In order to not add more to it though, I decided not to go to this year's Knitting and Stitching Show. Yes, I know, it's sacrelige to miss it, but I just have SO-O-O-O much stuff and there's not much I really need that much that I must pay a tenner to go to the Show. I'll go to one of the others in the spring.
Photos Galore!

Lots of photos to share today! The first one is a card that my friend, Yang Liu, gave me the other day. I thought it was absolutely delightful. Here it is:

Next up is the stitching complete on the L*K piece. As anyone whose familiar with the original pattern will know, I've changed it a bit. As it will eventually be framed and hang outside our flat, I just put 'Welcome' on and centralised it rather than the whole 'Welcome all Seasons' bit. I changed a few colours too. For the lettering I just used GAST's 'Fragrant Cloves' as that had a lot of colour variation in it and I thought orange would be a nice change and stand out from the rest of the piece. I also made the strawberries dark red, (used GAST 'Buckeye Scarlet' in the end as the KK thread was really too bright for the whole tone of this piece), and the yellow flower 'Daffodil' instead of the duller shade prescribed. Anyway, we're pleased with the finished result and look forward to having a bit of cash to spare for framing! Here it is un-framed for the time being:

Last is the new WIP, another hardanger cushion/pillow cover. This one is a bit 'bittier' than the last one as the satin stitch blocks are a fair way apart and so there's a lot of stopping and starting. A few colour changes again in that the pink the designer used is being done in Anchor Multi-colour Blue Hawaii, one of my favourites and the bead work won't be yellow/gold, but will be that nice iridescent lilacy shade you can just make out in this photo:

Updates soon....
An Ickle Bit More....

....on the 'Welcome' sign. Not too much more to do now. Just the basket of strawberries, a few other bits to fill in and the lettering. I've decided to change the colour of the strawbs, 'cos L*K has specified WDW's 'Romance', but that's way too pink for strawbs, so I'm gonna use Kate's Kloths 'Strawberry Dream' instead! Apt name, huh?

Anyway, now that I've got my book-keeping job out of the way for this session, I can stitch with a clear conscience!!!

Latest on the Lizzie*Kate

Haven't done much stitching this week what with one disaster or another, but here's the current status on 'Welcome All Seasons'. More soon, I hope!
Cushion is done and 'Welcome all seasons' is started.

So, the embroidery on the cushion or pillow cover (depending on which side of the Atlantic you speak!!!!!!) is done and it's just waiting now to be made up into a cushion proper. Might buy the fabric today, but I'm not sure that Saturday afternoon is the best time for it!!!! Perhaps next week sometime will do just as well.

I've already sorted out the next 5 projects, (yes - FIVE), got them 'kitted up', fabric pressed etc. Two are already in the working frames, but only one started. Here it is, Lizzie*Kate's 'Welcome all seasons'. I've been meaning to stitch this up as a little 'welcome' sign for outside our home for ages, so I've now started it! I'm going to insert 'in' in the wording so it makes more sense and I want a bright yellow flower on it too!!

The other things are another hardanger cushion cover which will be my kid bro's wedding pressie, (not until April, but may as well get on with it now anyway), a small ribbon embroidery kit which I'll make into a card for my mum, (that's the other one in a hoop so far), a Helen M Stevens' floral 'poppies and mallow' piece from her 'Embroidered Flowers' book and a something something for Sir, whose not to know what it is until he gets it complete, so there'll be no WIP photos there! It's tiny anyway, so wouldn't be worth it!!!! Curious? Well, you'll have to wait and see......
Cushion Up-date

Here's the current status on the cushion/pillow cover work:

One more of the rectangular cutwork areas to wrap, then the other 4 diamonds to cut and wrap and the whole lot of cut areas to spruce up a bit with a simple filling stitch. Should be done this week, then it's on to a Helen M Stevens' piece I promised to someone I've never met yet!!!!
Great afternoon at the craft shows!

Didn't spend too much, I'm amazed and relieved to say! I got 5 of those new DMC Light Effects threads, 2 Anchor pearl #5's and 1 pearl #8 that I wanted for projects I'll be doing within the next few weeks, (all being well!!!!!!!!) I also got 4 small pieces of speciality fabric, (2 pieces of silk dupion - copper and bronze, 1 bit of white organza and a larger piece of fine white muslin), 6 small bags of mixed sheer ribbon, a ribbon embroidery bookmark kit for my lil' sister and some special stickers and 'sheets' (they could hardly be called paper...) for special cards.

The hardanger cushion cover surface work is now totally complete, and I've done the cutwork and wrapped bars in the central area. Will do a bit more tomorrow and try for an update pic on Monday. Not doing any stitching tonight as I'm just plain jiggered! I have walked MILES today and am now off to bed!
Satin Stitching Complete!

....and the back stitch is started too. I've done 6 of the 16 sets of it so far. Not very exciting, but then it's repetitive work, which is never the thrill of the day!!

Going to the Fashion and Embroidery Show tomorrow. That should be fun and a danger to the bank balance!!! Hope they have some good fabrics, but not TOO many............

Introducing Ellie!

This is my young chum Ellie (with my toy sheep, Flossy) who wanted to be on my Blog and would like the world to know that she's a monkey!

See? I did put you on-line after all, Ellie! Now, how do you like being world famous??=)
Sunday Morning Up-date

Good morning!

Here's the cushion cover work as described in last night's posting. Just thought I'd share it anyway.=)

Happy Sunday!
Cushion's coming on really well!

Here's the cushion as it stood this lunchtime, (so about 8 hours ago):

There's already quite a bit more surface work on it. The flowers have been put into the corner squares and the line of flowers and leaves is done along the bottom and one of the flowers at the side. Should have all the surface work done in the next couple of days.=) I've decided not to do the outer border of cutwork as per the pattern 'cos it'll end up being too big and also my frame is a bit smaller than the design, so it'll be less fuss. Will be finished sooner too and, while I'm not exactly the 'if it's not done in half and hour, I'm not interested' type, I don't like things to go on t-o-o-o-o long. I have a few more things to do as well with two wedding coming up in the spring and so forth.

New update on Monday.
Here's my other workbox:

This one started as an overflow, but as there are now just so many types of thread in my stash and so many skeins/balls of each, I decided to have this one as a secondary workbox instead! It's one of those Art-Bin craft cases where you get a series of tray-like boxes with lids and a bag with lots of pockets to put them in. Very handy indeed and lots of storage space. Hope I don't need to invest in too many more of them before much longer though. I have a craving for £50 of Piper's silks. Still, I also have £45 credit with Helen M Stevens, so maybe I should spend it on one of her (over-priced) thread packs?? Depends on how bad the cravings get!!

New cushion picture sometime tomorrow, all being well. It's coming along well and it is so nice to stitch something for pleasure again. The dog was just plain work and hard work at that. So, I need to work on other stuff too, or I'll go off stitching and, with all this stash, that would not be good!!

Thanks again for the DSL gift voucher, Petra! You can see some of my purchases in this picture as I got quite a lot of beads with it.=) Glad you liked the cushion colours. More tomorrow.

Wanna see my workboxes??

Here's a photo of one of my workboxes. I'll post the other one another day. When I'm feeling low, I just look through all the lovely threads.....=)

The hardanger cushion is coming on beautifully! I've got quite a lot of the surface work done and plan on posting a new photo tomorrow or Saturday. Depends on when I can get near the PC.....
Started something new......

OK, I know I said I wouldn't until I'd finished the dog, but I needed something to stitch for the times when I don't want to think so hard about what I'm doing, for when there isn't enough light for the complex work needed for the silk shading and when I just need to relax. So, the next item on my list of stuff to stitch, a hardanger cushion with some satin stitch/back stitch floral work, has been started. I've already done all the surface work on the central flower and what will be the central cutwork area, but here's a picture just of the materials. It was just SO nice to sit and do a bit on this when I got in from work today, before making dinner.

I think it's going to be a longer time than I'd planned before that dreaded dog is finished. Basically, because I'd said I wouldn't start anything else until it was done, I was doing no stitching at all! Given that I have a lot of projects I want to do and the fact that my stash is worth well over £1000, (so, about US$2000 at UK prices), it's just wasted sitting there whilst I continue to put off and put off the piece I'm finding it next to impossible to motivate myself to do. I'm NOT going to dismiss it as a UFO though, (no non-stitching readers, that's not an 'un-identified flying object', but our acronym for 'un-finished object'!!!), and I will try to assign specific times to work it. When I'm at my mum's on Monday afternoons is a good time and maybe I can fit in an hour or so for it on Thursdays. So, that'll be 2-4 hours per week. It'll take ages still, but it'll happen - as long as those sessions happen. Well, that remains to be seen....

Will post more often from now onwards as I'll have more photos to share!
The dog is back in commission.....

Here's the photo as it stood when I took it up on Monday afternoon. I haven't done much more since, just a bit further down on the forehead, so there's no real point in taking another picture as yet. Hope to get some more done over the weekend, but I confess that the only pleasure in doing this one now is just the knowledge that the end is getting closer. Never again!

I got Martin's other job finished earlier this week too and also got a whole translation done. Plenty more put on the pile since then though!!!! In fact, I'm just waiting for some notes to come through for interpreting a 45 min talk next Sunday as I type..........

Yeah! The Chinese Junk is finally done and, just to prove it, here's a photo, look:

What a relief to have that one done. It's been in progress since 2 April 2003, so 2 years, 5 months and one day! OK, so I did a few dozen other things during that that period too, but I hope to never have one piece on the go for that long again!

I plan to get re-started on the dog portrait this afternoon whilst at my mum's place, but before that, let's get Martin's other job done......

Four new cards!

So, here are three bargello heart cards, all stitched with Anchor pearl cotton #5 and co-irdinating Caron Watercolour threads.

Here's another one embellished with some ribbon and bead-work. Not sure what this one will be used for yet, as the engagement I've made it to congratulate, might not have happened! If it has and I'm told, I'll send it!!!!!!

None of them mounted well as they were done on Bellana fabric which warps and pulls like mad. Haven't put so much as a single stitch into anything since last posting. Been busy doing happy housework and clearing out my wardrobe and making space for new things....... (I should be so lucky!)
The Life-Cycle of a Stumpwork Strawberry!

I've just completed my 89th piece of needlework - a card featuring stumpwork strawberries with some goldwork bits too. Here's how it was done:

This is the design process:

See a picture that inspires you in an embroidery magazine, but that you think could be improved upon.... Cut pieces of the rough shape and colour out of an unused mail-order catalogue, then play with positioning them on a piece of paper, drawing in the stems and an other extras with a biro. Then, take a drawing from that rough 'cut-out' mosaic. Colour in in the approximate colours you want to use.

Here are the materials: Anchor stranded cottons, #12 pearl cotton for the needlelace strawberries, #8 for the strawberry leaves, Anchor Ophir in gold for the strawberry pips, some bright check (gold chips), for the flower centre and some Needle Necessities Overdyed Kreinik #8 braid to be couched on for the stems.
The strawberries are first padded with two layers of red felt, then corded buttonhole stitch worked over that to produce a raise and textured effect. One done in close-up here:

Next came the silk shaded leaves done in three shades of warm green stranded cotton. (Not so many photos taken of further stages now.....) Now onto the flower. This was worked in white and pale yellow, again silk shaded according to the Royal School of Needlework tecnique - outline in split stitch, then work from the outside of the shape in in stitches of varying lengths, each layer over-lapping the previous one to some degree. The flower has gold chips as a centre!

Over-dyed Kreinik #8 braid was then couched on, which put some sparkle into otherwise rather dull stems. It was couched on with Kreinik blending filament in shade #015 so as to blend in as well as possible. Finally, after sinking and securing the ends of the couched braid, the tiny strawberry leaves were worked in two shades of #8 pearl cotton.

Here's the back of the completed work for curiosity's sake!!!

And the front once mounted into the card blank:
Piece #88!

Here's another hardanger card completed over the weekend. It's worked with Anchor Pearl Metallic #5 thread and Anchor Liana, which is actually crochet cotton with a metallic thread wrapped around it. It's a bit too thick to substitute for pearl cotton #8, but it was OK just for weaving. No good for lacey bits though, I don't think, unless the cut-out was really quite big.

This is my own design. It's meant to be a star as it's for someone I think it is a bit of a star in himself.=)

At last! Something to post......

Stitched two hardanger cards this week, so here are needlecraft pieces numbers 86 and 87.

Not too much more done on the Junk since the last update, (thus no new picture either....), but I hope to have a 'Martin Week' where I concentrate on doing stuff for him. That means getting the Junk picture as near to completion as possible and also getting the work I promised to do on his textbook project done, all being well.=)

Other than that, nothing interesting to report!
Getting there, getting there.....

Almost completed the bottom half of the Chinese Junk picture. The chart is in two halves so I thought I'd complete one half before moving on to the next. Gives a sense of achievement too! So, I'm pleased with progress this weekend as I'd set the target of only finishing the mid-blue on the bottom half, but I did that by Saturday evening and went on to do the pale blue as well as starting on the black scroll work. Should be all done this week.

No intellectual work done this weekend, but I didn't expect to. Plenty to do from today until Thursday though. I hope to have a few smaller things totally done and off the list. I counted 17 projects of both types altogether. 2 are finished, 3 are almost done and another 2 are in progress, so not bad! Of the others, 5 aren't really promised anyway and 2 others aren't urgent, so life is looking brighter and stress levels are coming down. It's working! Hurrah!=)

I decided to work on only one stitching project at a time, so the dog won't be coming out for walkies until the Junk is completed and away for framing. I'll be listening to the complete Pimsleur Mandarin course whilst working on the doggie, so I can resurrect/practice my Chinese at the same time. There are 45 hours worth of tapes altogether..... Multi-tasking rules, OK!

All Sewn Up!

Both the rose heart cushion and the rose needlecase are now sewn up into what they're supposed to be and ready to be given to their prospective owners.=)

Nothing much else done today - no other project work and not likely to be until tomorrow. Never mind, 2 out of the 7 stitching projects are DONE, so we are talking major advances in the right direction. YIPPEE!!=)

Progress Update - Tuesday

This is the story so far on the rose heart piece. Yesterday, I did all the buds and the greenery near them. I also made a start on the blue flowers at the bottom.

Here's the current state of the Chinese Junk cross stitched piece:

I hope to get the florals finished on the heart piece today and maybe get a few stitches in on the Junk. We'll see...... I also need to design the initials to go in the centre of the heart, which will be a bit of a challenge, but I've let fear stop me from getting on with these things for WAY long enough, so no more procrastination.

On the academic/linguistic project side of things. Yesterday evening I set up a simple, temporary (as it's very naff.....) homepage for the Phrasebook project and have got out the file for all that and related projects this morning. I'll do some sorting through that and make a plan of work for pushing them through to completion.=)