Progress Update - Tuesday

This is the story so far on the rose heart piece. Yesterday, I did all the buds and the greenery near them. I also made a start on the blue flowers at the bottom.

Here's the current state of the Chinese Junk cross stitched piece:

I hope to get the florals finished on the heart piece today and maybe get a few stitches in on the Junk. We'll see...... I also need to design the initials to go in the centre of the heart, which will be a bit of a challenge, but I've let fear stop me from getting on with these things for WAY long enough, so no more procrastination.

On the academic/linguistic project side of things. Yesterday evening I set up a simple, temporary (as it's very naff.....) homepage for the Phrasebook project and have got out the file for all that and related projects this morning. I'll do some sorting through that and make a plan of work for pushing them through to completion.=)