Here's the complete bookmark ready to be given to its new owner later on today or tomorrow morning. It has a lovely lilac coloured, felt backing which I think it's a shame you can't see. I would have preferred a lilac tassel with this one too, but you use what comes in the kit most of the time, right? Can't be fussed making cords and tassels at the mo. I make enough changes and so on already, without creating even more work for myself!!! I'm planning to start on that lovely butterflies and buddleia bookmark as soon as the current project is done, (no, I haven't done any of the dog yet. I wonder if that will ever truly be finished???).
I'm also already on with the 10th anniversary card and you can see the start of it here too. Hope to get at least a little bit more done on it over the w/e, but I'm not holding my breath, at least not until Sunday anyway.