Here's the card I made for my little friend who lost her daddy this week. All our congregation are going to sign it as they met her just last week. I know she'll like to hear from them a lot too, although it's hardly a real consolation for losing Daddy.=( Hope everyone likes it. It's a Mary Hickmott design from her 'Moving on in Hardanger' booklet. I just changed it in that I put a spider's web right in the middle instead of square filet in the 4 squares around it and used silvery threads for much of the stitching to make it a bit more special.
I'm not very well at the moment - got a dreadful throat and so on. DH has had a bit of cold too, so I guess this is how it's coming out in me. Nothing sinister though and we're looking forward to our holidays from next Saturday.
Not much done on the dog as yet - just one more section last w/e, but I have today and tomorrow pretty much free as I can't really go out and about infecting people left, right and centre, so I hope to press on with the Woofer a bit. Oh joy!