Bedroom lined and glossed

Here are the same two views as yesterday, but with all the woodwork gloss painted and lining paper on the walls, evening poor plasterwork out and hiding all the dark plaster we had to use to cover the sunk wiring back in June. I realise that, mostly owing to the poor light yesterday (it seemed to be dark all day), the photos don't show a great deal of difference, but if you look closely at the ones from the last posting, you'll see a change, esp up near the cornicing and just next to the cupboard doors. At least it's been proper daylight today and you can see clearly again.

The top paper is going on this afternoon and Sir is finishing sanding down the woodwork in the hall where there are a LOT of doors! 5 rooms, 4 cupboard doors as well as the front door (which we'll do later on) and the skirting board. That little lot will be glossed tomorrow afternoon. Oh, how great it is to have friends who love decorating and hate to be idle over the hols!!!

I'm still pressing on with lesson planning, writing handouts etc and generally trying to keep house in amongst all this chaos. Not surprisingly, we're sleeping at mum's again! We plan to sleep here again on Monday night after the hall glosswork has had time to dry and air and the bedroom paper is dry etc. And Tim's just arrived for his afternoon's fun. No, really, he loves it!

No stitching to report on really except that I'm in the final stages of back-stitching on the blue-tit. I can't get into it at the mo, so don't expect much in the way of really interesting photos.