Papercraft cards this time. Stitching two cards within one hour would be either miraculous or not worth looking at the results!!!! I'm not brilliant at papercraft at the mo and I wasn't feeling 'with it' enough to really get into it, so they aren't the best. One's for the engaged couple who will get the cushion cover and the other is for friends' mum who's in hospital after an amputation, poor love!=(
Managed to get a decent night's sleep last night, at long last!
No more beading done as yet, but hope to add about another hundred this evening.
One thing is now crossed off my list of 12 as I did it today and I was able to cross another out too as it's only things that bug me and work in the office etc doesn't bother me at home under normal circs. Hope to delete a few more over the next week or two!