Here it is, completed and finished into a bellpull. The bellpull ends that I had to order were far too big and I then found that I had this odd end in my stash. Actually, it was the other half of the one used on the wedding bellpull. On that one, I just used the top end and so had the bottom one, complete with tinkling little bell, left over. DH kindly took the bell off the hanger for me, leaving the bell intact so that I could attach it to the bottom. I'm very pleased with the effect. What do you think? Click on the photo for the full sized version and more detail.
Here's the current state of affairs with Cataflute. I don't think it'll be finished on time, (I'll see the couple these are gifts for for the last time on Weds evening), but I'm going to try. If it isn't done, then I can post it on to her - it's always nice to get something through the post. Having said that, it's even nicer to meet a deadline and to see for yourself if someone likes what you've made for them!=)