You can see more detail by clicking on this smaller image. I took this of the cover alone, (i.e. not on the cushion), and left it full size so you can see more clearly what it really looks like. It's a Mary Hickmott design called 'Delicate Dreams' and was originally intended to be done with mid-pink flowers and yellow gold beads.
Other news is that I've decided to give up my German classes and officially withdraw. I passionately did not want to do the assessments and the course content is simply not what I need. I need to be able to deal with everyday life and chatter better, not to put the world to rights. Yes, linguistics, climate change and so forth are very interesting to me, but that's not what I want my German for. I need it for personal interaction with my German friends and family, so to be able to get stuck into domestic matters, general interests, what we and they have been doing and so on. I have having wasted the money, but as DH says, put it down to experience and consider more carefully before enrolling on courses! It may be £124 wasted, but I do feel a lot lighter for it! Funnily enough, my baby sis in Germany said that she feels her English is inadequate for chatter. She will have spent the last few years talking about issues and writing academic pieces on them and gets great marks, but lacks some social interaction stuff, so I guess it's par for the course with higher level language classes!