Working HARD

Ugh, I'm pooped! I set myself 5 tasks, big ones, to accomplish within a week (last Weds-the coming Tues) and have done the 3 biggest already:

1) Mucking out the bedroom.

2) Getting all the typing up work done for my post-grad Chinese classes.

3)Finishing 'Child of Spring' in terms of the stitching. I'm not sure if I will make it up into a little cushion or just let her get it framed/made up herself. Depends on time, but I'm really ready to be totally through with this one as it was a deceptively fiddly and time-consuming design!

Left to do are:

4) The design for my young friend to stitch up. This needs fully and neatly charting as well as the fabric cutting and some contrasting thread guidelines putting in so that she can see where to put the various elements. I plan to get this done this afternoon/evening. And:

5) Mucking out the kitchen.

Have updated my Webshots 'Sale or Trade' album with recently finished kits and designs in case anyone's interested.=)