Final SS parcel arrives

My Secret Sister parcel from the cross stitch newsgroup I've been on for a while arrived yesterday and here it is:

Wow-some, isn't it? My SS lives in Malaysia and don't the colours she's selected in ribbons and threads just speak of the vibrant society she comes from? I'm delighted with it all and look forward to putting it to some use over the coming months and years. It's been SO nice to have a parcel to open as the last 5 SS gifts have all been on-line store vouchers. It's nice to pick your own stuff once in a while, but it's so much more fun to have someone else choose for you. They often buy the stuff you wouldn't really get for yourself, (although it's on the wishlist), whereas I always make myself be 'sensible' and try to complete thread collections etc.

Have still barely done any stitching of late, but then I suppose many don't do much over the summer months. I need to get on with a vengeance though as I have only 2 more weeks to finish one wedding gift and then the next wedding is just under 4 weeks after that 'deadline', (I want to give it to the groom a few days before). I've done very little on the first and haven't even done the design for the second! If anyone has seen my motivation, which is currently AWOL, please discipline it soundly and send it back express!