No, nothing to do with Christmas, which, as you may have noticed from the lack of seasonal things here, doesn't feature with me, it's just that I've been laid flat in bed over the past 3 days. I had a virus the week before and was stuck in really sick with it from Tuesday night to Sunday. I went out then and wished I hadn't. It might be that it's one of those that you need to totally rest out before it's safe to re-start life or it could be that I got re-infected, but I ended up even worse! So, no more elements from 'Branches' to display at the mo, but I'm beginning to feel better now (can sit up for more than 30 seconds!!!) so I may be able to get the actual tree outline finalised today as well as getting on with the 2 musical instruments. I did get all the elements I needed sorted out the other day in that I made a Word document with correctly sized images to copy in stitch. So, I've done something, just nothing that you can see.....=(
Hope everyone else has managed to avoid the bugs and hasn't over-eaten too badly!!!