Today I expect to have the metallic letters completed - about another 4 to go for Hebrew, Arabic, French and Polish, then the slip football (which needs re-stitching), the 3 boules and the gold kid leather saxophone putting at the base of the tree as well as the doorplate and possibly uni logo attaching. That will just leave the bird to re-stitch and the twigs and foliage to put on the tree and some grassy bits to add at the bottom for general effect. I've also asked DH to help prepare the card blank. I've got a pre-made aperture card, which is great, but the backs are too weak for one this size and so I also got 2 sheets of extra matching card to strengthen it, as well as mountboard needing cutting to size (this is probably going to need stretching a bit and proper lacing etc), then the inner sheets for the signatures need preparing.... Lots to do yet. It's amazing anything else is getting done!
So, 'Branches' should be completed sometime Monday or Tuesday. I've given up on the idea of delivering it tomorrow as it's just too rushed. One more day won't matter that much and no-one's been nagging me. I'll be glad to get it done though as it's been taking up so much of my time this last week that I'm unashamedly sick of the whole thing! That, however, is the fault of a double dose of the 'flu and a bad cold, not the project itself, which is a lot easier than I'd feared.=)
Thanks so much for all the encouragement, including that to join Webrings! I haven't applied to Around the Block as they're a very much CQ ring who require 80% of posts to be CQ related and I've never posted about or stitched any CQ in my life, so I can't expect them to approve me and fair enough not!=) Similiar with the Stitchy Fingers ring. I've looked it up, but I can't honestly describe myself as a 'quilter who blogs'. I'm not a quilter. I've only ever done one piece of patchwork in my life. The description says, 'we may do other stitching, but we always quilt' and so, as I never do, I can't qualify here either. I might later on though as I hope to take a City & Guilds level 1 in P&Q to learn the basics.