Another Post-it Tuesday!

Hmm, seems that I like to post on Tuesdays, huh? Well, here I am again. The other day I put an 'About the author' page up, which some of you have seen already, (link on the left, above the Webshots one). As Blogger doesn't allow separate pages like Wordpress does etc, I had to create a whole new blog, but no probs as the end result is the same and I'm not up for moving blog providers. Too much fuss!

Borders sent me a '40% of one book' voucher last week, so I got this one to help me make up the small bags and purses I'm interested in once my box of stuff comes from Taiwan. The patchwork bags book is excellent too, but this copy is borrowed from the library pending the next Borders offer voucher!!

This is the current status on the bluetits and is all the stitching I've done in the last week. Here you can see the half stitch background is complete and I've done both the top-stitching on the birds and made a brief start with the silver seedheads, (at the bottom, just next to the bottom bird). I've just had so much to do over the last week, esp obscene amounts of laundry and ironing, plus getting over jet-lag etc, that I just haven't got to my stitching. I really need to get on though as there are a lot of gifts needed for between early July and late September and I want to get at least the bluetits and the Child of Spring cushion finished before starting the first hardanger/counted thread cushion/pillow design.

Been thinking about other stuff to do over the next few years too and have decided that, now the shock of the teaching disaster has more or less worn off and my health has improved a lot already, I'm feeling bored and ready for some more intellectually challenging stuff. So, first up for consideration is actually (and finally) finishing that MA programme I was doing several years ago when I became ill with CFS/ME. See what comes after that when the time comes, but I have some ideas - most of which are probably stupid!!!!=)
DH has put all the Taiwan photos on a CD-Rom, so I'll have a look through those later on (on the 12th of Never, no doubt!!) and add them to the new Webshots album I've created for our travel pix. Will post the link as and when, but it's not on my regular album - it's a totally new user name.