I keep thinking it's Sunday as it's Bank (Public) Holiday here in the UK and we've not been doing normal stuff. Feels like it's still an ordinary weekend day!!
Here's how far I've got on the Pool design. Just done about 2/3 of the leaves in the foreground and I'm glad they came first in the working instructions as they really are the boring bit! I'm hoping to get the whole of the foreground design done by the end of next weekend, then get the middle, landscape part done the following week. That should see me well ahead of schedule and able to get on with the first of the two hardanger cushions.
Of course, the card for dh needs doing pronto too as our anniversary is in two and a half weeks, on 12 June! Not long, so I'd best get on with it even before I get this one finished, huh? Gosh! 9 years already. Doesn't seem like that long though, so it must have been good.=)
We went to a barbecue this afternoon/evening at friends' house. There were 60-odd there, so it was quite bustling. I put that vegan baking book to good use and made two types of buns/cupcakes - lime and coconut and chocolate mint as well as a fruit flan. First time making my own pastry and I must remember to put more sugar in next time I want it for something this sweet. Couldn't resist taking a photo!! It's not often that I get to do fancy baking like this, but I hope to take advantage of many more opportunities in the future!!=)