Tomorrow morning, about 8.30am, we set off for Germany, so this will probably be my last post for a fortnight. I can't really see myself blogging from the Youth Hostels around Europe!!
Haven't got any more photos to share as I haven't been able to do any more on the Pool, but dh is convinced that his mum will love to see it develop whilst we're staying with her and I know she doesn't like to wait for surprises, so I think he could well be right!! I've also put the Goldfinches in my hobby/art bag so that I can stitch something for us whilst we're away as well. If I'm stitching at MIL's, then it also gives us something to talk about and I may learn a few more stitching words and expressions in German too.=)
Sandy in TX asked how I finish rayons. Well, this is one thread where you can't afford to do it the traditional way and you have to knot to start and finish. It's the only way really.
Veronica, thanks for your compliments on the 'even' stitching. I put that in inverted commas as I think it's really rough along the edges and just hope that it will improve as I do more. I daresay even Helen M Stevens didn't produce a very even edge when she was a relatively new embroideress.
I did almost all the ironing - plus 2 more washing loads of it. All done except the bedding. I didn't want to come back to a huge pile like I did after Taiwan, and that on top of the stuff I had to was and press after the trip! So, it's done and it felt good. Get someone else to do it? I'd like to see that! DH wouldn't dream of it and as for paying someone, there isn't the cash to spare, I'm afraid! DIY is the order of the day in this household.
OK, see y'all about 20 July! I'm off to France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria.=)