Here's the work I did over the weekend on the 'Silver Frost' piece. I've started just above the middle and worked up a bit. The top band here, band 8, took me about 100 minutes to do and there's still about half the work left on it! (I know that as it took the entire of watching a 103 minute film to do!!!!) Don't know how much more of it I'll get done in the immediate future because:
I finally cancelled my order with the ONS who have kept me waiting for over 2 months for my hardanger supplies. I won't say who they are in case there's some serious reason for their neglect, (like the lady who runs it has died etc), but I doubt I'll be shopping there again! I got this great cushion kit instead from Nordic Needlecraft in Scotland. They aren't the cheapest by a long stretch, but their customer service is second to none and I can't recommend them highly enough for that. The colours are precisely what I was looking for and the hardanger fabric included is quite a bit softer than I'd feared. Oslo would have been a little nicer, but this will do just nicely and will soften a little through washing and also working on, even though I'll be using my great big, unwieldy 17" R&R frame!!! Anyway, this piece is needed in about 2 weeks, whereas the 'Silver Frost' isn't wanted until late next month. There is another piece to do in between as well, (which also got held up by the ONS not responding), but I've just ordered those threads too and should be able to get that done OK as well. Hardanger works up quickly - mercifully!