Urgh! I'm really not getting along with this piece at all! Especially not the fish! It's just not flowing well and I can't get into it. I'll be really glad when it's done and out of the way, but that won't happen until I sit down and manage to make myself focus on completing it.
Anyway, you can see how little stitchery I've got done over the last few weeks since I last posted a WIP update. Haven't touched the cross stitch either. I've been in a book mood of late and have been reading and studying to my heart's content. Of course, I've been doing one subject, then another, then back again later as an how the fancy took me, but that's just fine as I don't have to do any of them, it's all for pleasure and those things I do really have to do, I do OK anyway.=) So, if anyone's thinking of posting the usual kind, but unnecessary comforting comments, there's no need. I'm NOT feeling guilty and I'm NOT being hard on myself about it! LOL!
Something else I've been getting into more of late is art and, although I set it going about 9 months ago, I hadn't yet posted the link to my art learning blog. There, I have now!! There's not a great deal on it thus far beyond a few bits of pastel pencil work and a pen sketch I did the other day, but there's a small gallery of past pieces of work that may be of some passing interest. As anyone who takes a look will see, I'm no great shakes at art, but I'm never going to be unless I do more of it and that's where I always come undone. If I'm not great at something first time, I find it hard to go back and keep at it. Never learned to work as a child as the first ten years of school was easy for me and I either got top grades or ones good enough for no-one to spot I wasn't making much effort and was, therefore, actually underachieving! I actually should have got As for all my subjects.....!!! So, get on with it for a change, huh??
I'm going up to Leeds for the rest of the week and I think I'll take the needlepoint giraffe with me to finish if I feel like it. I've thought of someone to make it into a nice cushion/pillow for, so there's more motivation to get it done now and a finish would be a nice thing. It's been rather a long time..... (I didn't take it after all. My hand was hurting, so I decided against it.)