First of all, and of interest to those who aren't really into yarncrafts, but love embroidery, is the trimming up of the white baby cardigan that I showed you last week. Here are two photos showing (roughly) the same area at different stages - with buttons and some stem stitch, then complete with french knot buds.
As I had quite a bit of the white yarn left, I decided to have a go at a pair of mittens to go with the cardy and here they are, both pre- and post-finishing up and embroidering. In this case, I did the stitchery before sewing them up as the working space would have been too constricted had I done it the other way around.
And here's the finished set. I must say that I'm very pleased with it and am planning on doing the bootees with the remaining white yarn and even looking for a plain red dress somewhere to trim up with the same design, but with white buds. It'll make quite a layette, don't you think?
I've already started on my next knitting project and here it is, another baby cardigan, but this time in finer 4-ply wool (which is lovely and soft - a better quality yarn than the pack of five balls of DK I bought), and in pale lemon. Also, as the yarn is thinner and the finished garment won't be as warm, I decided to opt for the 6-12 months size so that it should be most useful in the warmer weather. I finished the rib stitch trim at the bottom yesterday.
Next I have to move on to the pattern section, which is a little more complex than the last one. Like last time (which you haven't seen), I got another ball of yarn (DK this time) and needles and trialled the pattern. It's easier to do it this way as a near beginner as, otherwise, you risk having to pull stitches out of your real piece and that can be both a slow nuisance to do and carry the risk of dropping stitches. So, here's the sample piece showing 4 lots of the pattern. The photo isn't as clear as I would have liked, but getting the lighting right is such a challenge, no?
In the week ahead I'd like to get well on with this cardigan, (it's the back you can see my start on) and maybe tackle those white bootees as well. As I also want to do one or two other textile things and this piece is far slower by virtue of being much bigger, the yarn finer and the pattern more complex, I don't know how far I'll get, but I'll post whatever updates there are next Sunday.
Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2012