Hardanger Floral Card

No WIP Wednesday posting this week or last owing to having nothing to post thanks to being away a couple of times.  However, I've been getting on with my knitting - only need to sew it all together now, and made this floral hardanger card:

It's from a New Stitches magazine, issue 88 from summer 2000 and I bought the materials pack, which included pearl and stranded cottons and the card blanks (there's also a blue one, but I worked that one years ago.)

Here's the finished thing, although, as ever, I had trouble getting the light pink of the card to show and couldn't make satisfactory adjustments on the image editing software, so you'll just have to imagine the card - including the bit showing through the cutwork - to be just that bit brighter than you can see here.

The close-up looks quite nice, and the peachy-pink of the background shows up passably well.

Until next time....

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2012