I haven't done much knitting over the past week to be honest. My readers who are really only interested in my embroidery will be pleased to know that I've been pressing on with two projects there - one completed and the other not far off (no, not the sampler!!), so knitting has been a little neglected. Having said that, I managed to finish the back of the current baby cardigan I'm working on last night. What puzzles me is why the right hand armhole (when viewed like this, from the back) looks so much lower than the left when it really is only one row! Odd.
Another Ravelry (a HUGE yarncraft forum) member said she'd worked this pattern and that it had mistakes in it, so I'm a bit concerned about how it will go from here given that I'm only in the elementary stages of learning to knit. From looking at the pattern and comparing it to the photo, I actually can't see how the pattern corresponds to the top section of the left and right fronts, so I'll need to go carefully there. I think I'll take a break from this one for the time being as this is a 6-12 month old baby pattern and I still have a couple of 3-6 month ones I want to do. Doesn't make sense to do it this way around!!
The other day I got one of my stitching magazine IKEA files off the shelf to put away the latest issue of 'Stitch' (and the first one I've bought in over 3 years) and came across this:
I'd been looking for it all over the place! It'sf from a 1972 women's magazine and my mum must have saved it back then. She gave it to me in the early 1980s and I'd kept it ever since, just mislaid it recently when I decided to take up knitting seriously. It details how to work 60 different patterns, some with one colour but using cables and other fancy patterns and others with up to four different colours. Just what I wanted to learn some more pretty stuff!
So, I might do a little playing around with some of these and make some small samples soon. I wonder if anyone else has a copy of this still??=)
Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2012