So, here's the only thing I managed to stitch during June. It was very enthusiastically received by it's new owner this afternoon, who practically wore my right cheek away with rapturous kisses!!!=) Always nice that, isn't it? Quite a contrast to the person who I stitched a nice picture for, who not only never framed and hung it, but had to be reminded to even tell me it had arrived and say 'Thank you'! Pah! Not stitching for him again, you can rely on that!
Thanks for all the 'Blog-a-versary' wishes and nice comments on the new layout. Ann/Anita, when I wanted to do it this way, I just looked at the source code of some blogs that I admired and copied the relevant ideas, but you do have to have some idea of what you're looking for, so it wouldn't be easy for me to explain how here.
Von, God surely does appreciate our sense of humour as he created it! I often imagine Jesus having a really good laugh with his disciples and taking the Pharisees off!!!! You only have to watch the antics of baby animals and small children to be sure that God has a rich sense of humour all of his own too.=)
I've already started on a picture for our bedroom walls - once they're newly papered. I doubt that will happen this month, so I have plenty of time to stitch both it and its partner by the time the walls are fit to host anything!!! Planning to get on with the neglected projects from tomorrow as well. Get them out of the way, then I can get on with some more of those nice impressive looking pieces like my 3 best at the top of the blog now! I only wish they reflected my regular work!!