No, I don't mean DH has done the dishes, I mean that I've actually got some of the dog done! In fact, about 2/3 of the actual eyes are done and that was the scariest bit. Instead of working from the inside out, this time I reversed it and did the honey coloured bit of the iris (you'll see that soon as I haven't taken a pic yet) first so that the central pupil bit didn't get too round. Seems to have worked quite well and I feel rather like getting straight on with it.=) It felt good when DH, thinking I needed a 'reminder' (!!!) asked out of the blue how the dog was coming on and I could tell him to go and have a look. YIPPEE! Might finish it this summer after all.
Now then, I need a small counted thread project (blunt needle) to do whilst on a long, dull 5-hour drive in Germany next Thursday. I'm out of bookmark and needlecase kits. Any ideas? Perhaps a couple of small hardanger pieces for cards? Buy another kit? Finally do that hardanger needlecase for myself? Possibilities, possibilities. Any more ideas, ladies?
Now that Blogger images are working again, I can show you the blackwork kit I got as one of my 4 anniversary presents, (the others were a lovely dressing gown, a DVD of 'Mr Holland's Opus' - a film I just love, and something else which hasn't arrived yet and DH won't tell me about....). It's called 'The Embroideress', which I thought was a good one for both me and lots of you stitching ladies who visit here often.=) This one's for us!