Work in Progress Wednesday - 30 Jan 2013

A belated Work In Progress Wednesday posting.  I was in Leeds over the last two days and, whilst I took my rabbit with me and even put 2 or 3 lengths of thread in on him (wow!), I didn't get back in time to take a photo in daylight, so I decided to leave it until today.  First though, the sampler:

Above, work done on Friday 25th

Below, work done on Saturday 26th

Now to the rabbit and the first photo shows the stitching creeping ever further towards the left hand side of the piece!

Whilst at my mum's and chatting with her, I filled in the bit I'd started the day before and, less noticeable on a photo, I also put in a fair number of stitches towards the left hand side - plugging tiny gaps, so to speak.

I reckon that, if I manage to do as much per day on, say, 4 or 5 days per week, I may even finish this piece one day soon!!  I had hoped to finish both this one and the feather this month, but bad health and lack of enthusiasm held me back somewhat.  Still, at least two of my three pieces are moving inexorably towards completion!!!

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Creative Every Day (CED) 21-27 Jan 2013

It's week four of the challenge already and I've managed to keep it up every day so far!  I'm really quite pleased that, not only with this one, but also another two things (reading and study related) that I wanted to do daily have also been 100% so far.  If you can manage a month, you can manage a year.  Well, with most things, anyway!=)  I wouldn't mind having a go at some things that might be seen as unreasonable to do every day for a year, like travelling, buying nonsense I don't need (although I would actually get sick of the latter as it would lose its lustre and I would feel the pointlessness of it very quickly)....

So, here's this week's summary:

Monday 21st:

* Took photos of the snowy scenery at home and also of an icicle that started to develop in an interesting way.
* Finalised and posted last week's CED update.
* Did 3 more rows of knitting, which also included the working out (correctly, thankfully!) of where to re-start in the pattern.
* Selected some of the cribbed-from-the-web-and-a-possible-copyright-problem photos I had in a special folder, pasted them to a Word doc, ready to print out and try to reproduce/adapt in pastels and, maybe later, other media too.

Tuesday 22nd:
* Took several more icicle photos!  Good thing I did as we knocked them all down later on.  We live on the top floor of three and our home is alongside the entrance path, so a falling icicle whilst melting could do someone a real injury and we did NOT want to be responsible for that!  Imagine being speared by this baby ->
* Joined the new 'Needlepainting!' group on Stitchin' Fingers, (what?  You're not an SF member yet??!!), of which I will be the moderator soon...  If you aren't yet a member, you mayn't be able to see the group itself, I'm not sure.  Moderating this group is by no means meant to suggest that I am any sort of expert in the subject though.
* Finally edited my photos from Durham (Nov 2010) and posted a selection to our travel blog.
* Ditto the Edinburgh photos for a post that went live on Friday.
* Spent some time with the printouts I made of various C&G embroidery syllabi and planned how to do a few of them by myself.  Maybe I can join up with the local class sometime and get my work accredited as I know the teacher will do that.

Wednesday 23rd:
* Made my first deliberately gluten-free meal for a coeliac lunch guest.  It really only meant doing a separate pan of pasta for him, but I did check all flavourings carefully etc, so there was an element of creativity there.=)
* Knit several rows up the top right front of my baby knit, which is a jumper/sweater with a 3 button placket trim.  Getting a bit complex...

Thursday 24th:
* Finished that part of the knitting (although I'm not sure how correctly - I may have fluffed it) and made a start on the other side.
* More icicle photos.  One opposite our place seemed to be a good metre long...

Friday 25th:
* Another intriguing icicle...
* Finally did some work on my sampler.=)
* Ordered an embroidery book from Amazon UK and 2 issues of 'Inspirations' from a UK magazine subscription site.

Saturday 26th:
* Edited the icicle photos (for this post!)
* Finished the roses etc on the cross stitch section of the sampler
* Took the knitting photos, edited them and created the SY post that went live yesterday.

Sunday 27th:
* Flicked through a watercolour book over breakfast
* Wore some more new eyeshadows and tried to take a photo of the result - but as it didn't work out well, you'll just have to take my word for it this time!!
* As I worked through a section of a Chinese grammar book that I'd assigned to my student to do, I tried to think of ways to include the material in her future lessons.
* Collected together and printed out the material I need to refer to to create a short 12-15 sentence passage for translation to form part of a sample chapter for a book I'm to be the (junior-ish) co-author of.

In many ways it wasn't an overwhelmingly creative week.  Having said that, I have tried to keep it in mind and also to realise that, sometimes, circumstances don't allow and that a little something will do.=)  Sometimes I'd love to be able to work and others I think, 'Why would I want to lose the freedom of choice and use of time that I have now??!'  Perhaps I'll do some temp work sometimes...

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

The Sunday Yarn - 27 Jan 2013

You can see above the back of the peachy-pink baby jumper (or 'sweater' if you prefer, which I think is a horrible word!  It makes it sound like a garment that makes you need to wash!!).  The pattern is intriguing.  It's worked over 12 rows: 3 lots of pattern A, then 3 lots of B, both of which have pattern row-pearl row as a working method.  What's intriguing about it is that, although the holes in the pattern seem to move to the left then the right, the pattern is the same for all the moves - i.e. the hole creation isn't one stitch to the left or right each time.  I can't help but think that knitting is a very clever business!!

The thing that really bothers me about this pattern is that the writers have clearly underestimated the amount of yarn needed.  It says 0-3 months and 3-6 months sizes need only 1 50g ball and the 6-12 months size (which I'm doing) needs 2.  Well, what you see above represents the entire of the first ball and a little bit of the second and, no, no sleeves have been worked yet, so I'm rather doubtful that there'll be enough left.  I can't get any more as this yarn was picked up for 99p a ball (only two of them left) in a yarn sale.  I can only think that the white thread in this fancy yarn makes it heavier and that one needs more per pattern than with a simpler yarn.  Make sense to anyone?  Anyway, once the front and plackets are done, then I'll try the sleeves, but I think I'll have to do only the cuffs in this yarn and the main part of the sleeve in plain white.  Sigh!  It'll look OK, but it wasn't what I was planning.

This is how far I've got with the front.  The left front is worked all the way up and cast off, and I've just started building up the right front, but it's rather complex, what with two lots of stitches being held on safety pins and all!  I'm interested to see how this all works out and, indeed, if I've even got it right!

And I thought knitting was a fairly basic sort of thing.  How wrong was that??  I've got a book on cabling out of the library and the same author has written one on lacy knitting, so I want to see if that's available for free as well.=)  So much to learn...  That's the trouble with me, I want to know everything!!  (OK, just one of my troubles, I know!)

Not so long ago I had a second go at crochet.  Again, I could make the chain with relative ease, but I just could NOT follow this diagram to progress further.  The problem is that it's OK as far as it goes, but there's no diagram showing you where the yarn is when you pick it up - this diagram shows only the yarn threads picked up and moved to the side!  Without seeing what it looks like before this stage, I don't know which loops to go for.  I've found some videos on YouTube that may be more helpful so, when I come back to having another go at crochet, I'll try those out and see if they can clarify this mysterious process somewhat.  I suppose I need someone to teach me really, but my mum could never 'get' crochet, so my usual oracle is no good.  Oh, yes, there's Sarah, isn't there?  Mmmm, maybe I need to ask her around...=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Creative Every Day (CED) 14-20 Jan 2013

Good Monday!  If you're here from Saturday's Grow Your Blog party, my post is the one just below this one, so do feel free to just scroll on down to the party...

Here's the list for the 3rd week of the challenge and I've felt a bit of a cheat this week as I became ill towards the end of the week and couldn't do much, but I appreciated Rachel's comment on last weeks review post that thinking about things was every bit as important as doing them, then she reminded me of the popular mantra: Failing to plan is planning to fail, so, yes, I will certainly include the conceptual process as part of the challenge, whether there's anything on paper or not!

Monday 14th:
* Knitting - finished the pattern and knit the next 3 rows, up to the point where I've to start the dividing for the buttoned part
* Sampler - completed the square box
* Read the next two and a bit chapters of 'The Power of Creative Intelligence'
* Finalised and published last week's CED post
* Played with the chemistry stencil I bought last week (I've wanted one ever since I saw them when I was a little girl and was fascinated by the shapes!!) and 'drew' some experiments, then coloured them in.  This was FUN!  When I was visiting Sue Lancasters' C&G exhibition, she told me she was joining in a textile artists' show to be inspired by 'The Elements'.  She was working with 'water' as a theme, but my mind went straight to chemistry and the Periodic Table of the Elements!!
* Messed about with my viola for a couple of minutes - something I haven't done for months, but want to do again just as soon as I'm strong enough to manage.=)

Tuesday 15th:
* Looked at some patterns and other peoples' work in the dolls house textiles line
* Read chapters 4 and 5 of 'The Power of Creative Intelligence'
* Created my 'Grow Your Blog' event post in good time and scheduled it to publish on Friday night as instructed.=)

Wednesday 16th:
* Edited and developed my 'Grow Your Blog' post.
* Read chapters 6 and 7 of the creative intelligence book - and used part of chapter 5 in the Chinese lesson I planned and gave.
* Finished the green cross stitches around the square box on the sampler
* Spent some time with the Colourcraft catalogue - esp. the fabric arts section...  £$£$£ are easily spent there!
* Created the WIPW post

Thursday 17th:
* Used some eyeshadow shades that I think I haven't used before (I have several of those huge 88 colour palettes, so there's a lot of room for new colour usage!!).
* Knitted half a row, which is a bit of a no-no - leaving it half way, but I didn't feel alert enough to try and work out where I was in the 12-row pattern and, as the printed pattern gave no help there, I would have had to do some serious counting and figuring.  So, it went back in the bag until a more intelligent moment showed up!!

Not the most creative of days, although Sir tried to convince me that making dinner counted....=)

Friday 18th:
* Finished 'The Power of Creative Intelligence'
* I didn't make, or even 'design' this cake, a piece each was brought for us by two of our Chinese Bible students this morning, but I frankly felt creative just eating it!  There were 7 different coloured layers in it, from the red at the top through 2 orange shade, 2 greens, the blue and the violet, then about 4 different toppings.  The time this must have taken...
* Did some last minute additions to my GYB posting, including making many photos larger and adding in one or two more.

Saturday 19th:
Ill at the moment, so can't do much =(
* Have been considering which books to buy from my Amazon embroidery wishlist and have been looking at a large number of 'new-to-me' creative blogs on the Grow Your Blog Party!
* Looked through a fair number of the files in my 'Source Photos' file and began to think about some embroideries that might be based on them

Sunday 20th:
Still ill and more or less out of action
* Looked again at several photos on my computer and have come up with, not only stitchery ideas, but also some pastel painting ones.  Hope to get some of those done over the next few weeks and can kick start my art blog.

I joined in the Grow Your Blog party this weekend and, despite being very low down on the list (already having a good number of followers and being near the end of the alphabet), I still managed to attract about 8 9 10 as many as 12 new regular readers (welcome one and each!) and had some fun leaving and receiving nice comments.  My post got 19 21 22 comments, which is a nice number, although my current record for one post stands at 21 (from a tutorial posting last year), so I just need one more....  esp. as it's beaten my previous record.=)  I often wonder 'how in the world?!' when I see blog postings elsewhere getting 50+ each time...  I think my readers are just too busy stitching, and I can't argue with that!=)

Snow is the order of the day just now and this is a (slightly zoomed) view from our living room window today.  The other buildings aren't this grey, most are the usual brick-red, but it hasn't shown up well, so it looks a fair bit more bleak a scene that it is in reality.  And it snoweth still, but I don't mind as I don't need to go out until Thursday and we've got plenty of food and other essential (toilet paper etc!) in.  I can just enjoy the nice brightness and pretty view.  I quite like snow.=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Grow Your Blog Party!

I discovered this event, being run by Vicki of 2 Bags Full only just in time to sign up - thus my not being able to publicise the event until now.  Still, you can hop over to her blog if you like and see who you'd like to visit from the 360-odd sign up comments (as of when I signed up - there may be more since) on the Grow Your Blog event page, and I hope that qualifies as my having done the best I could at advertising under the circs.=)

So, down to business:

Hi!  Welcome to Sew In Love whoever you are and wherever you've arrived from, but especially if you've come through the Grow Your Blog blog party event.  I'm a 41 year old (even though I look more like 14...) textile hobbyist living in Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England, originally from 30 miles north of here - from Leeds in West Yorkshire.  I'm married with no kids and don't work much just now owing to poor health - but I always live in hopes that that can be changed....!=)  I used to be involved in the teaching of Mandarin Chinese to beginners at Leeds University, but left that just about 3½ years ago when my hubby and I went over to Taiwan to take part in intensive advanced Chinese language classes.  I was lucky enough to get a scholarship and he went self-financed.  If and when I can return to work, I'll look for some part-time/ad hoc admin work and also try to do something more creative, independently, on the side.

I love to travel and have been to 19 countries so far, if one cheats and includes England, Scotland and Wales as three separate countries (I dare say our Welsh and Scottish neighbours wouldn't object=) ), but I'd love to make it up to 30 or more some day.  Some day....  Maps showing which countries those 19 are are on our travel blog, Brauns on Tour, (which needs updating with photos from Durham, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Caerphilly and Windsor) and one of my main dreams is to have the 'need' to increase its scope somewhat, esp. to include Scandinavia, more of Italy, the five tiny countries/states/principalities in Europe, Canada, Mongolia, Spitsbergen and Antarctica!!  We have our eyes on some of those nice escorted coach trips they offer around Europe.  I like independent travel, but these tours have the advantage of being more relaxing, esp. for Sir, who wouldn't have to drive.  He's doing a funded PhD at the University of Sheffield right now and still has 2½ years to go, so it'll be a while before there are funds enough for that and I can investigate a few more regional embroidery styles and buy local embroidery magazines (I already have some in five or six languages!!) on the continent.  I love languages and more or less anything to do with language and I sometimes post to my blog about language learning: Polyglot in Training, which I'm trying to get something on at least once a month now.

You can find out a bit more about this blog on my About page (link above, under the header photos) and you'll have got some ideas from my header photos, the fairly random selection of pictures I've included in this posting and the brief intro I left on the sign up comment, but here's what I do on this blog, generally speaking:

On Mondays I post my weekly update from the Creative Every Day challenge which details (briefly) what creative things I've been doing each day.  It can range from one or two rows of knitting, to about half a dozen different projects, books and ideas and is quite diverse in scope.

Many Wednesdays find me posting to Sharon B's Work in Progress Wednesdays event.  It's not exactly a challenge, more of a Weight-Watchers weigh-in for stitchers where we can show off how far we've got with a long-term project, an unfinished/long neglected piece or something like that.  It's great to have that weekly check in as, wanting to have something to post, I often get on with something in good time for it.  So far I've finished one piece that I found really challenging through this event and hope to add another two to that within the next month, so I can heartily recommend anyone who feels the need for a kind of 'support group' to join in.

Most Sundays I get to post a yarn crafts update called 'The Sunday Yarn'.  I didn't manage it this last week, thanks to a nasty headache that got worse when I put my glasses on (needed for computer work, sadly!), so I had to pass on it.  However, there was a nice one the week before with two cute baby knit finishes=) and I've been knitting away, headache or no headache, and will have something to show this weekend.

Sometimes I post tutorials and things on other pieces I'm working on and I hope, perhaps sometime this year, health permitting, to start putting together some simple stumpwork kits for those wishing to learn this technique and also to try making some little bags - mostly with genuine oriental fabrics, bought in the Far East - and dolls house textiles (bedding, cushions etc) to sell.  Let's see how we get on with that!

My style tends to lean towards the classic, but I have been known to do and enjoy some more contemporary pieces as well and may well even develop that later on - especially if I ever get to move forward with plans to take City & Guilds classes locally.

I also have an art blog, Art Excursion, which I really need to do more posting on - and more art to post, but I suppose that type of art doesn't really hit the spot with me as embroidery and textiles do.  There's something deeply nurturing (to me) about textile arts, a feeling I don't get from the paper based variety, much as I admire and like them.

There's also my general topics blog, Fluffy Little Idiot, where I keep my oft-updated general goals lists.  There was one for 2011/2, I'm working through the 2013 one now and there's also a 'stuff I want to learn and achieve' general list to pick from at any time.  I find goals lists help me enormously in being productive and keeping my activities focused.  I'm a big list maker and get a real kick out of crossing things off them as they're done.=)  As far as textiles go, having a project on the current list to be finished is a great incentive to complete the piece and not to let it slide.  I have a passionate objection to the concept of UFOs - unfinished objects and I, basically, don't allow myself them.  What I start must be either finished or completely dumped (which has only happened once and I took all the stitches out, erased the outline and put the fabric and threads away).  I still remember being horrified at one lady's blog comment to the effect that she'd never finished anything!  What IS the point in starting something you're not going to finish??  I also find it a bit challenging to get my head around having so many projects on the go that you cannot possibly work on them all and so pieces regularly fall into the UFO category.  It's not for me so, despite temptation to get a new project or three under way, I will not do it until two out of my three current WIPs are complete.  I just LOVE the sense of achievement and satisfaction that comes from a completed piece, a goal met and something worthwhile accomplished - to say nothing of having got that off my mind!!!

So, do stay for a couple of minutes more and have a look at some of my gallery pages (links just below the header photo series) and leave me a comment telling me about your work and where to find you.  I'm always on the look-out for more textiles and embroidery blogs, but I also sometimes follow others, so you just never know!

Many thanks for coming around to see me!  Hope you'll call in again soon....

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday - 16 Jan 2013

These two are what I have to show you on my large project - Cross'n'Patch's 'Sunshine and Flowers' sampler, the waterlily green version (with certain changes to suit the worker!!).  As you can see in both shots, I completed the square box that you might have noticed I included a little picture of the first two sides of on this Monday's CED post.  The second shot also shows the completed green cross stitches in this section.

To be honest, I had hoped to get further and to have all the cross stitch flowers inserted too, but this last week hasn't been a very stitchy one!  However, let's hope for more next Weds.=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Creative Every Day (CED) - 7-13 Jan 2013

So, here is this last week's list:

Monday 7th:
* Completed last week's Monday update post
* Cast on and knitted the 12 rows of rib on the latest baby knit front
* Started the cross stitching greenery on my sampler

Tuesday 8th:
* Updated my Ravelry page with my latest knitting finishes
* Finished the first ball of yarn on my baby knit
* Put in one line of couching on the peacock feather - the 'stalk' part

Wednesday 9th:
* Finished the pattern on the baby knit (the first ball of yarn ran out almost 10 rows into a 12 row pattern, so I just completed the last 2 rows)
* Continued with the cross stitching on my sampler and made a start on the square box part
* Created a 'Work in Progress Wednesday' post

Thursday 10th:
* Knitted another pattern
* Completed the second 'side' of the square box on the sampler

Friday 11th:
* Knitted 6 rows - half a pattern
* Received and flicked through Buzan's 'The Power of Creative Intelligence'

Saturday 12th:
* Looked in Hobbycraft for knitted related things
* Bought an A3 sized plastic portfolio-box thingy and 3 A5 display folders for storing pieces awaiting framing and small samples etc.
* Read the first chapter of the 'The Power of Creative Intelligence', which I think is going to be very good

Sunday 13th:
* Went looking for yarn - although didn't find what I wanted.
* Discussed the design and construction of a mobile magazine display stand with Sir
* Collected ideas from Dunelm and Homebase for bedding and cushion designs - I want to have a go at making and selling dolls house textiles.  Also got paint charts for the future re-decorating of the bathroom!!

So, although I didn't really have much time for actual project work over the weekend (we were out a lot and I had a monster headache at times too - thus no yarncrafts posting yesterday), I still managed quite a few things that could be described as creative.  If we really think of 'creativity' as going well beyond our textiles work, then we can see it in many seemingly ordinary things of life.=)  Sign up for the challenge, we can all do it!

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday - 9 Jan 2013

I don't know if you're as stunned as I feel to able to actually post a progress photo for my peacock feather, but here it is!  OK, so there isn't much that's new to see (unless you're a new blog subscriber/reader, of course).  I've just put in the 'stalk' part of the feather and nothing else as yet, but it's back in progress and that's what matters.

This is going to be a tricky and rather dull piece - which is why it got stalled in the first place.  I actually did consider giving up on and binning it yesterday,  but I refuse to waste the work that's already gone in and, as I always meant to complete it, complete it I shall!

So, I hope to be able to put in at least one line of couching each day, if not two or three.  If I do manage to do that, then I may even have it as a finish this month....  Watch WIPW!!

I haven't touched the rabbit this last week, but I plan to get back on with him as soon as I can.

I have been able to crack on with the sampler though and here are the photos I took either at various points in the process or of the various parts.  First I finished the boxes, then put in the lettering and then finally started on cross stitching the greenery at the bottom of the right hand long box.

This is what the whole piece looks like at the moment with all the above elements in place:

I hope to complete this section of cross stitches and also get the satin stitch square done (which you can see the top right-hand corner forming of here) and maybe one or two other bits.

What you may not realise from these shots is the size of this thing.  I've actually got it in a smaller working frame that would be needed to get the whole thing in at once, so there are another few design elements to fit in at the bottom of this visible section.  I'm still quite a long way off completing even the surface work on it.  Sir and I estimated that I may be about half way through it.  Then there are the cut sections to do.  I hope I can get this done within the first half of the year, but I also want to make a start on other pieces - when the rabbit and feather are done, that is.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Creative Every Day Challenge - Monday update for 1-6 Jan 2013

The 'Creative Every Day' Challenge is an annual event run by Leah Piken Kolidas through her website and is a sign up as and when you like, low-pressure challenge.  The idea is to try to do something creative each and every day of the year.  Of course, creativity means widely differing things to different people - it doesn't have to be some form of visual art.  There are also music and singing, writing, food preparation, home decor etc and a plethora of other things in which I'd even include re-organising creative materials (or any materials), blog postings that take a lot of thought and arrangement, dress, grooming and make-up etc.  The sky's the limit, really.  A former colleague of mine, a teacher of English to speakers of other languages, said she satisfied her need for creativity by developing teaching materials and lesson plans.

The challenge has a Monday check-in feature that participants can 'sign in' to so that others can come and see what they've been doing.  This is my offering for the first week and, as you can see, it's far from all needlework!

Tuesday 1st:
* Created a blog post reviewing my textiles work over the previous year and previewing what I hope to achieve this year, complete with selected photos.  Sometimes, these blog posts can take quite some time to tinker about with until they are really pleasing to the eye.
* My hubby and I also began to plan to do a Bible version of the old Trivial Pursuits sort of game.

Wednesday 2nd
* Created a blog post on my language blog in the same vein as the textiles one the day before.  Fewer photos this time, but plenty of code tinkering.
* Finally went to a well-known fabric shop here in Sheffield and had a look around.  Also bought the needed buttons and ribbon to finish the green and lemon baby cardigans.
* Managed, after 2 or 3 false starts and a lot of pulling back (AARRGHH!!), to knit a whole pattern (12 rows) on my latest baby knit.

Thursday 3rd
* Designed the layout for this post, which will be the 'template' for all future Monday update postings.
* Learned how to take screenshots for use here!!!
* Attached the buttons and ribbons to the lemon and green baby knits
* Knitted two and a half more patterns on my peachy pink baby knit
* Finished the long 'boxes' on my sampler

Friday 4th
* Knitted another pattern and a half
* Starting the lettering on the sampler
* Took some photos (when there was enough light to do so!) of the completed knits

Saturday 5th
* Completed the knitting of the back of my current piece.
* Sorted out and re-did the arrangement of one of our bedroom shelves - the one with perfumes and body lotions etc on it.  Needs to be both user-friendly and attractive.
* Cut out and trimmed stacks of pictures from Bible magazines to make some scrapbooks of Bible characters, stories and research later on.  I don't feel I have enough pictures for most of it yet...

Sunday 6th
* Sunday Yarn blog posting
* Finished the lettering on my sampler

That's it for this first week.  All being well, there'll be an update each Monday, probably in the morning (so that means the Monday itself will be covered the following week).  In case anyone's wondering how I manage to remember everything, well I update most days and save, rather than publish the post.

MARNIE:  Thanks for your message about the cupcake card.  I checked last night and the pattern I used came from 'Cross Stitch Card Shop' magazine issue 61, August 2008.  It's published by the UK company Origin Publishing and, as far as I know, is still published.  That should help you make a more directed search.=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

The Sunday Yarn - 6 Jan 2013

And here, at last, we proudly display the last word on the lemon baby cardy.  I carefully pressed it (from the reverse, through a tea towel and onto a terry one), then attached the buttons.

Here's a close-up of the pretty buttons I got.  The contrast doesn't show up as well as I'd hoped it would (despite photo editing), as the buttons are a nice white colour.  Here they look lemon to match the knitting.

At times I found the knitting of this piece a bit relentless as it had no whole rows of any one stitch - everything was in pattern and, of course, being only 4-ply yarn, it took more stitches and a few more rows to knit than the other two have, being DK.  Having said that, I love the colour, the pattern and the texture and would seriously consider making a larger one for myself one day.  It would make a nice spring and summer cardy.=)

Today I can also show you the complete finish of the green set.  As you can see, I've finished it with light green buttons and matching ribbon in the mittens.

I thought the lemon knitted 'fabric' was fancy enough without stitchery and the buttons just added the finishing touch, but this one needed something, so I did this small embroidery on the cardigan front.  I didn't want to do as much stitchery as last time, so tried something a little different with the ribbon rose.  I don't like the effect as much, but it's given the eye a bit more of a focal point than just plain knitting.

As you can see, there wasn't any too much yarn left at the end!!  However, as the lemon pattern said I needed 3 balls to make the 6-12 months size and this is what was left of the 2nd, I'm not complaining!=)

I'm well on with the next piece already and will show you that next Sunday.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday - 2 Jan 2013

The first WIPW of the year and I have a few photos to share with you!  I resisted the temptation to include any of these on yesterday's year review posting, although it certainly was there for the 'completing current WIPs' section of the 2013 goals list.

As you can see here, I've been pressing on with the shading on the rabbit's body.  I drew in some lines in pencil on the felt and fabric and then started by putting a few key guidelines in using the darkest shade.

In this shot you can see the second darkest shade starting to make an appearance and you can also see that I took the photo in different light from the first two shots!!  It's hard, when you're stitching at different times of day and at a time of year when some whole days never seem to get fully light, to keep the lighting standard.  No matter how much editing one does, there's still a clear difference.

This last shows the third darkest colour making it's debut.  Of course, against the two very darkest, it looks rather pale!

I still have rather a long way to go with it - almost half the body is untouched and the bit that is done is not done completely - you can see the padding and backing through it, so I need to go over it in good light and stop up some gaps.

The sampler looks like this at present, with one of the long satin stitch panels done.  I haven't put in the few stitches across the bottom as I want to re-count and check that the number of stitches, (173, I think), is correct.  It will matter as this section is to be filled every so many threads with a decoration, so getting it right is definitely the best way to go.  I left it for another time as I was quite tired by the time I'd got to that point and was packing up for the night.

It looks rather pulled to one side at the moment...=(

Hope I'll have more to show off on both of these and, if some miracle happens, on the feather as well.  I'd dearly love to get that finished and OFF my desk and 'to do' list, but I can never seem to find the motivation to make it so.


Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013