2012 Accomplishments and 2013 Goals

Well, here we are in another year already!  Time today to do the usual review of the previous year's accomplishments - in the textiles field, anyway.=)

This is the needlework part of the goals list I've had posted on my Fluffy Little Idiot blog since March 2011 (it was an almost 2 year list).  The projects I finished off in 2011 I've greyed out so it's easier to distinguish which relate to this year just finished.  I've also removed the strikethrough on 2012 completed projects for those who would find that hard to read.=)

Here goes:

Finish all needlework WIPs, including long-term ones and stuff that I'm dragging my heels on:
*1 Water violets cushion cover  Done!
*2 Goldwork viola  Done!
*3 Rose's dogrose manicure pouch  Done!
*4 Narrowboat cross stitch  Done!
*5 Giraffe needlepoint  Done!  Stitchery was finished in 2011, but the cushion was made up in 2012
*6 Birds needlepointDone! 
*7 Cat in basket cross stitch UFO  Done!  
*8 Peacock feather sample from C&G days  50% done - ready to restart in WIPW

New Projects
*9 Mum's Cross'N'Patch garden sampler  maybe 35% or so done 
*10 Make keyring for Martin for 12th anniversary Done!
*11 Stitch stumpwork bunny  35% complete - shading restarted and going well=)
*12 Gifts (2 - 1 tie, 1 card) Martin for 13th anniversary  Done!
*13 25th wedding card for Milnes'  Done!
*14 Card for Howletts' Golden Wedding  Done, although a pastel painted one.
*15 Bookmark for Silvia  Done!
*16 Something for the Lindleys - cushion  Not yet started, on 2013 list
*17 DMC Dragonfly stumpwork kit  Not yet started, on 2013 list
*18 DMC Butterfly stumpwork kit  Not yet started, on 2013 list
*19 Rolled Rose Brazilian embroidery kit (17/11)  Done!
*20 Do most TAST 2012 stitch 'doodles'  Done!  (I did 30 of the 48, which is 62.5% = 'most') 
*21 Make up my camera case  Not yet started, on 2013 list
*22 Hardanger cushion cover & card for Caleb's wedding (17/8) present  Done!
*23 Card for Kirstin's wedding (31/8)  Done!
*24 Ribbon embroidery card for Tingles' new home  Done and got a tute out of it
*25 Hardanger card for Charles' 5th wedding  Done!
Also stitched were a stumpwork poppy and beetle piece out of which I got three tutorials (although I confess to having started this one the previous year), and a collection of stumpwork bugs - variations on a theme - that was also done as a tute.

So, 6 cards in 4 different techniques - cross stitch, hardanger, drawn thread and ribbon embroidery, 5 practical items - 2 cushions, a manicure set, a tie and a bookmark, two pictures and a bunch of TAST samples.  In addition to that, I also knitted a white baby layette with red and green embroidered trims, a light green baby cardy and matching mittens and a light yellow baby cardy, both of which latter need buttons that I hope to get tomorrow, and an external hard-drive cover.  I'm content with that - up to 20 items in total.

What about this coming year?  Here's the 2013 Goals List needlework section:


Finish any current WIPs:

* 'Sunshine and Flowers' sampler  about 35% complete
* Stumpwork rabbit  about 35% complete
* Peacock feather  about 50% done

New projects - Work at least 6 of these 10 kits: 

* 'The Farewell' blackwork
* 'The Embroideress' blackwork
* Ribbon embroidery
* Coleshill stumpwork butterfly
* Anchor stumpwork face card
* DMC stumpwork butterfly
* DMC stumpwork dragonfly
* Liina tablemat
* Crown cross stitch (Sir's 14th anniv card)
* Shoe cross stitch/craft card

Book/magazine projects (aim to complete 2):

* Tudor Lady cross stitch
* Medieval Lady cross stitch
* Helen M Stevens' butterflies piece (cushion for Lindleys)


* Red skirt
* Skirt with patchwork panels
* Trial some fancy purses
* Find a use for old bedding
* Camera Case
* Try some dolls house textiles


* Salmon Pink baby jumper  5% complete
* Chunky jumper for me
* Learn cabling

There are no item numbers this time as I don't have '100 things to do' list this year - although I could easily make it up to that!  As you can see, I've also added in progress so far and am planning to get the feather and rabbit pieces done this month. I had wanted to complete them last month, but two very heavy colds in a row reduced my working ability somewhat!!  You can see the WIP status tomorrow in the first Work in Progress Wednesday of the year.  I'll also be able to show off the knitted pieces in this week's Sunday Yarn.

What about you?  Have you set out your goals for the year already?

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013