And here, at last, we proudly display the last word on the lemon baby cardy. I carefully pressed it (from the reverse, through a tea towel and onto a terry one), then attached the buttons.
Here's a close-up of the pretty buttons I got. The contrast doesn't show up as well as I'd hoped it would (despite photo editing), as the buttons are a nice white colour. Here they look lemon to match the knitting.
At times I found the knitting of this piece a bit relentless as it had no whole rows of any one stitch - everything was in pattern and, of course, being only 4-ply yarn, it took more stitches and a few more rows to knit than the other two have, being DK. Having said that, I love the colour, the pattern and the texture and would seriously consider making a larger one for myself one day. It would make a nice spring and summer cardy.=)
I thought the lemon knitted 'fabric' was fancy enough without stitchery and the buttons just added the finishing touch, but this one needed something, so I did this small embroidery on the cardigan front. I didn't want to do as much stitchery as last time, so tried something a little different with the ribbon rose. I don't like the effect as much, but it's given the eye a bit more of a focal point than just plain knitting.
As you can see, there wasn't any too much yarn left at the end!! However, as the lemon pattern said I needed 3 balls to make the 6-12 months size and this is what was left of the 2nd, I'm not complaining!=)
I'm well on with the next piece already and will show you that next Sunday.
Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013