So, you've cross stitched (or worked another counted thread technique) onto Aida band, or a similar, pre-edged fabric, and you're now ready to finish up your bookmark. Here's how:
First of all, finger press in about an inch (up to 3cm) of waste fabric at each end of the design. Make sure that the two ends are equal on the front (assuming that's the effect you want to create, of course!)
Trim away some of the fabric so that you have a nice even edge at the bottom, and taper off the edges. This is so that you don't end up with any frayed scraps of fabric spoiling the finished piece.
Using a sewing thread that matches your Aida band colour as closely as you can manage, make a few discreet stitches along the outside edge. Try to make them between the insides of the two edges so that the stitches don't show on the front. You can do this by catching the long stitches on the inner edge of the Aida band and joining them together.
There's no need to make any stitches along the straight edge and it's often better not to so as not to risk anything showing. Also, the edge of the fabric will almost certainly fray, so stitches are no real use here.
Cut a coordinating piece of felt to fit (I like the dense type best) and trim it until it is just smaller than the total area of your bookmark. Leave a small amount of fabric showing at the two narrow ends and just enough to sew the felt to along the two long edges.
Still using the thread that matches the Aida band (in case you slip up and sew through, although you could use one that matches the felt instead, if you preferred), sew the two pieces together, again taking care to catch the long stitches on the band so that they don't show on the front. And here's the (back of) the finished item:
I hope that's been useful! If you use this tute (or part of it), please leave a link in the comments section to where we can admire a photo of your lovely new bookmark.=)
PS, I have some stitching patterns going for sale on e-bay just now, all with international shipping options, (I think!). Click here for details.
Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013