Work in Progress Wednesday - 17 July 2013

It's been a long time since I was able to post to this challenge as, up to this month, I hadn't worked on my sampler since mid February and didn't want to include my three recent stumpwork pieces in it.  The photo above is the last one I posted a few months ago.

I was hoping to get quite a bit of work done on it whilst I was away in Germany earlier this month, but as so often happens when I'm away, I didn't get much stitching done at all.  In fact, I only got to replace the first three of the five words here:

I'd long felt that the purple just didn't 'go' here and so the first thing I wanted to do was to replace it with green.  Got that done just this afternoon and I think it looks SO much better than the purple did.  Although it was a nuisance to unpick and restitch a section, I think it was really worth the time and effort.

After that was done, I moved onto working on the final part of the pale green scrolling and the green part of the cross stitch pattern in the bottom left hand corner.

And that's as far as I've got so far, but I'm delighted that it's back in progress and moving on towards completion again.  Here's the whole piece as it is at the moment:

I hope to have more to share with you about this time next week and to keep up with the Work in Progress Wednesday reports as regularly as I can until both this piece and the old peacock feather are done.=)  The next part to do is to fill the flowers in the gaps in the green sections at the bottom and insert the lower 'V' shaped scroll part, which is just like the one near the top, but without the large leaf motifs.

What have YOU been working on lately??

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2013